This Movie title is called Hana Yori Dango. Its a Japanese version of Taiwan Meteor Garden. Its one lively movie you won't want to miss. You can also say it's a version of "Cinderella", but the Cinderella and the Prince Charming have to go through so many misunderstandings, so many conflicts, so many love love before they " really " get to be together...^^" When I was watching...i always says finally and end, huh? some more!? I faint right spirit when away from my body...haha... For me my favourite guy among the Four Flower will me Domyouji ^^...He has one cute character < kawaii > and he's so cool...i like how he walks, how he wear, for be he's the most handsome person among the Four Flower...^^ hope i get to meet him one wouldn't hurt to get a one day deto from him ^^ haha...
For the song...haha...i wanna master it as soon as possible, as once i get to sing this song < I get those electric feelings once i hear this song > I can become a singer < whistle >
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